Table 2

Mean health-related quality of life scores of Finnish and Australian adolescents before and after the transfer of care; higher scores mean better quality of life

Before transfer of care, meanOne year after transfer of care, mean
PedsQL (N)(487–488)(252)(235–236)(334–335)(199)(135–136)
16D (N)(486–493)−251(235–242)(329–336)−199(130–137)
 Discomfort and symptoms0.7950.8270.7610.7980.8260.758
 Physical appearance0.7740.8620.6830.7710.846‡0.661‡
 School and hobbies0.8140.8550.7710.820.8460.782
 Mental function0.9180.9470.8880.9140.928‡0.893
  • *Statistically significant change for better (p<0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).

  • †Change is more than the minimal clinically important difference (online supplemental file 2).10 22

  • ‡Change is more than the minimum important change, that is, at least ±0.015.25

  • §Statistically significant change for worse (p<0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).

  • AUS, Australia; FIN, Finland; PedsQL, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory.