Table 1

VWS for evaluation of vital signs and severity of dyspnoea

ComponentAge groupComponent subscore
Respiratory rate (breaths/min)<3 months<1515–1920–2930–6061–8081–90>90
3–12 months<1515–1920–2425–5051–7071–80>80
1–4 years<1212–1415–1920–4041–6061–70>70
Respiratory effort*All agesnormalmildly↑Moderate↑Severe↑ or apnoeic
Oxygen saturation (%)All ages<9191–94>94
Oxygen therapyAll agesRoom airLFNP/HFNCNRB mask
Heart rate (beats/min)< 3 months<8080–8990–109110–150151–180181–190>190
3–12 months<7070–7980–99100–150151–170171–180>180
1–4 years<6060–6970–8990–120121–150151–170>170
Capillary refill (s)All ages<3≥3
Temperature (°C)All ages<3636–36.436.5–37.537.6–38.5>38.5
  • The score is calculated by summing the subscores of each component, resulting in a score 0–24. VWS of ≥8 warrants immediate attention of a physician.

  • Source: adapted from Fuijkschot et al.18

  • *Nasal flaring or retractions.

  • HFNC, high-flow nasal cannula; LFNP, low-flow nasal prong; NRB mask, non-rebreathing mask; VWS, Vital Warning Score.