Table 2

Mean developmental outcome, height, weight, BMI, MUAC and HC in preadolescence, by intervention group

OutcomeControl (SP twice) (n=333)
Mean (SD)
Monthly SP (n=333)
Mean (SD)
AZI-SP (n=336)
Mean (SD)
Global p valueGlobal p value, adjusted*
Raven’s score†14.2 (3.7)14.4 (3.8)14.2 (3.9)0.80.8
Height (cm)142.7 (8.1)142.5 (8.2)143.1 (8.4)0.60.7
Weight (kg)33.8 (6.3)33.8 (6.9)34.2 (6.5)0.6>0.9
BMI16.4 (1.7)16.5 (2.1)16.5 (1.6)0.70.9
MUAC (cm)19.9 (2.1)19.8 (2.3)20.0 (2.0)0.20.5
HC (cm)51.6 (1.4)51.5 (1.6)51.8 (1.5)0.10.08
  • *Adjusted for child sex, age, socioeconomic status and pubertal stage at the time of developmental assessment and anthropometric measurements.

  • †For the Raven’s score n=331, n=332 and n=334.

  • AZI-SP, intervention group with monthly SP and two doses of azithromycin; BMI, body mass index; HC, head circumference; MUAC, mid-upper-arm circumference; SP, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine.