Table 4

Perinatal outcomes of births from women with infection during pregnancy by maternal clinical characteristics

VariablesAlive without severe complication (n=780)Neonatal near-miss
Perinatal death
n (%)n (%)OR95% CIp valuen (%)OR95% CIp value
Pre-existing medical condition*
 None386 (67.4)141 (24.6)ref45 (7.9)ref
 Any of the medical conditions353 (60.8)163 (28.1)1.30.8 to 2.00.31865 (11.2)1.61.0 to 2.40.036†
Body mass index
 <25172 (65.6)65 (24.8)1.10.7 to 1.80.61725 (9.5)2.61.3 to 5.00.005†
 25–29200 (66.5)80 (26.6)1.20.8 to 1.70.37121 (7.0)1.90.9 to 4.10.120
 30 or more178 (71.8)60 (24.2)ref10 (4.0)ref
Severity of maternal infection‡
 Less severe infection549 (67.4)206 (25.3)ref59 (7.3)ref
 Infections with complication151 (66.8)54 (23.9)0.90.6 to 1.50.83921 (9.3)1.30.7 to 2.40.401
 Infection-related severe maternal outcome80 (44.7)56 (31.3)1.91.1 to 3.10.014†43 (24.0)5.02.7 to 9.30.000†
Pregnancy status at the time of infection suspected or confirmed
 Pregnant, not in labour153 (62.5)67 (27.4)1.40.8 to 2.30.21625 (10.2)1.40.6 to 3.30.426
 Pregnant, in labour172 (60.4)90 (31.6)1.70.8 to 3.50.18923 (8.1)1.20.5 to 2.90.764
 Postpartum within 24 hours162 (61.4)69 (26.1)1.30.8 to 2.30.28633 (12.5)1.80.9 to 3.60.124
 Postpartum 24–72 hours130 (69.9)40 (21.5)1.00.7 to 1.40.86916 (8.6)1.10.5 to 2.20.877
 Postpartum after 72 hours129 (69.7)41 (22.2)ref15 (8.1)ref
Location at the time of infection suspected or confirmed
 Arriving from home321 (71.6)95 (21.2)ref32 (7.1)ref
 Transferred from another facility79 (47.9)59 (35.8)2.51.4 to 4.50.002†27 (16.4)3.41.6 to 7.20.001†
 Already hospitalised378 (62.7)162 (26.9)1.51.0 to 2.10.046†63 (10.5)1.71.0 to 2.90.069
Source of infection§
 Chorioamnionitis125 (48.8)97 (37.9)2.41.3 to 4.60.009†34 (13.3)4.31.9 to 9.80.001†
 Endometritis89 (59.7)36 (24.2)1.30.7 to 2.20.46324 (16.1)4.21.6 to 10.90.003†
 Urinary tract infection157 (72.0)51 (23.4)ref10 (4.6)ref
 Skin, wound and catheter infection91 (81.3)17 (15.2)0.60.3 to 1.20.1524 (3.6)0.70.2 to 2.10.521
 Other infection116 (58.9)52 (26.4)1.40.8 to 2.50.27729 (14.7)3.91.8 to 8.70.001†
  • *Includes anaemia, diabetes, HIV or any disease that required corticotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy or transfusion during the pregnancy.

  • †Statistically significant (p<0.05).

  • ‡Severe maternal outcome defined as infection-related maternal death or near-miss.

  • §Source of infection clinically, radiologically or microbiologically confirmed.