Table 2

Percentage and rate of perinatal outcomes per 1000 live births from women with infection during pregnancy, by the country level of income

Perinatal outcomesTotalLow incomeLower middle income
Upper middle income
N%Rate per
1000 live births
N%Rate per
1000 live births
N%Rate per
1000 live births
N%Rate per
1000 live births
Alive without severe complication78064.015362.435159.227672.4
Neonatal near-miss*31625.9278.7 (224.9–332.4)5221.2238.5 (151.7–325.3)17229.0317.9 (245.7–390.2)9224.1245.3 (160.2–330.5)
Perinatal death12310.1108.5 (64.9–152.0)4016.3183.5 (80.8–286.2)7011.8129.4 (78.8–180.0)133.434.7 (11.2–58.2)
 Early neonatal death383.133.5 (20.2–46.8)135.359.6 (24.4–94.8)181.533.3 (18.4–48.2)71.818.7 (3.4–33.9)
 Stillbirth857.075.0 (41.0–108.9)2711.0123.9 (45.4–202.3)524.396.1 (52.7–139.6)61.616.0 (5.0–27.0)
   Fresh stillbirth342.830.0 (14.7–45.2)124.955.0 (23.0–87.1)201.637.0 (16.4–57.5)20.55.3 (2.9–13.6)
   Macerated stillbirth514.245.0 (21.4–68.5)156.168.8 (3.2–140.8)322.659.1 (29.7–88.6)41.010.7 (2.8–18.5)
  • *Based on criteria presented in table 1.