Table 1

Clinical characteristics and 2-year outcomes of infants with HIE who underwent therapeutic hypothermia at CMU Hospital

Patients characteristicsN=23
Male, n (%)17 (73.9)
Born at the CMU Hospital, n (%)7 (30.4)
Gestational age (weeks)*37.7 (1.9)
Birth weight (g)†2890 (2,660-3,310)
Complication during labour, n (%)
 Abnormal foetal heart rate monitoring, cat. II–III9 (39.1)
 Shoulder dystocia3 (13.0)
 Prolapsed cord2 (8.7)
Types of labour, n (%)
 Caesarean section9 (39.1)
 Vacuum/forceps extraction7 (30.4)
 Breech assistance3 (13.0)
Apgar at 10 min†4 (0–6)
First arterial blood gas/venous blood gas/capillary blood gas after birth† (n=17)
 pH7.1 (5.8–7.3)
 BD (mmol/L)16.2 (6.9)
Severity of HIE, n (%)
 Moderate19 (82.6)
 Severe4 (17.4)
Clinical seizure, n (%)16 (84.2)
Admission temperature (°C)*35.9 (1)
Incomplete TH criteria, n (%)5 (21.7)
 Age >6 hours5 (21.7)
 GA <35 weeks1 (4.3)
Age at targeted temperature (33–34°C) was reached (hour)*5.8 (1.8)
Complete 72 hours of TH, n (%)19 (82.6)
Death during TH, n (%)3 (13.0)
Death during admission, n (%)4 (17.4)
Duration of neonatal intensive care unit stay (days)†30 (13–40)
Outcomes at 2 years of follow-up N=11
Age at follow-up (months)†28 (24–65)
GMFCS 3–5, n (%)3 (27.3)
GMFCS 2, n (%)1 (9.1)
Blindness, n (%)3 (27.3)
Severe hearing loss, n (%)0 (0.0)
 Cognitive composite score72.2 (16.2)
 Language composite score63.8 (21.1)
 Motor composite score72.4 (24.8)
Retaining feeding tube, n (%)2 (18.2)
Requiring oxygen support, n (%)0 (0.0)
Receiving neurological medication, n (%)4 (36.4)
Alive without neurological impairment, n (%)3 (27.3)
  • *Data presented as mean (SD).

  • †Data presented as median (min–max).

  • Bayley-III, Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition; CMU, Chiang Mai University; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; HIE, hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy; TH, therapeutic hypothermia.