Cardiovascular | Pulse, blood pressure, capillary refill time, urine output, ECG |
Respiratory | Airway patency and protection, oxygen saturation, ventilation adequacy, pulmonary function tests (peak flow and inspirometers), blood gases, capnography if ventilated |
Neurological | Cranial nerves examination, peripheral neurological examination, pain (avoid opiates where possible) |
Laboratory investigations | Blood (full blood count), prothrombin time/INR, APTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, urea, creatinine, creatine kinase, electrolytes, calcium, phosphate, uric acid, haemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria (in low-income settings, these may differ, with tests such as 20 min whole blood clotting test (WBCT 20 min) and packed cell volume more readily available) |
Local site | Assessment for infection, swelling, tissue necrosis, early surgical involvement if debridement necessary, compartment pressures if clinical suspicion of compartment syndrome |