Credibility and confirmability |
Triangulation of data from multiple sources of data collection. Audio-recording of interviews to retain information. Participant verification of handwritten interviews. Continuous and active immersion in data. Multidisciplinary team (experts in subject and methods) for Interpretation of data (SM, AB, HH and LL). External review of findings.
Minimising subjective interpretations by adequate researcher (SM) training and experience in qualitative research methods and analysis. Checking coding cycles by a second qualitative expert (HH).
Dependability |
Detailed report of research plan, implementation and challenges. Thick description of results written before preparation of manuscript. Provision of explicit reporting of analysis plan, participants quotations and emotions.
Transferability |
Positionality | About the interviewer (SM)Is an unmarried female PhD student. Was in the third year at the time of interviewing. Is external to NICU and not a member of clinical NICU team. Is qualified in Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Master of Public Health. Has research experience since 2011. Has adequate training and experience in qualitative research methods and analysis.