Table 3

Pooled positive predictive values for NAS, FAS, CM and IPV

Family violence outcomeIndicator and age cut-off in yearsStudiesRef std. cases/indicator positivePooled PPV
(95% CI)
Between-study heterogeneity
(95% prediction interval)* I2 %
NASNAS primary diagnosis163030/379680.9 (71.0 to 87.9)(32.3–97.4)97.4
Newborn affected by drugs7384/220227.2 (16.8 to 40.8)(6.5–66.7)95.0
FASFAS primary diagnosis7777/268739.3 (25.3 to 55.4)(9.7–79.6)97.6
CMCM primary diagnoses ≤18193090/371787.8 (83.4 to 91.2)(63.5–96.8)92.1
Abusive head trauma ≤4†4437/47791.6 (88.8 to 93.8)(83.8–96.7)36.7
Traumatic brain injury ≤27410/177022.9 (15.3 to 32.9)(7.0–53.9)94.2
Skull fractures ≤410603/287222.1 (18.5 to 26.2)(13.2–34.7)79.7
Subdural haematoma/haemorrhage ≤3†5118/21155.9 (49.2 to 62.5)(49.2–62.5)0.0
Retinal haemorrhages ≤4†460/7481.1 (70.5 to 88.5)(70.5–88.5)0.0
Upper limb fractures ≤34249/29838.5 (11.3 to 75.6)(1.6–96.1)94.9
Lower limb fractures ≤3690/27224.0 (12.5 to 41.1)(4.7–66.8)82.0
Rib fractures ≤4490/12688.3 (55.2 to 97.9)(17.7–99.6)84.7
Multiple burns ≤2370/26122.5 (8.4 to 47.7)(3.3-.70.9)84.3
Assaults ≤196218/33177.0 (46.6 to 92.7)(19.1–97.9)97.1
Assaults/CM/adversity ≤1961893/403355.9 (37.0 to 73.3)(14.4–90.5)98.6
Women predominantly of reproductive age
IPVIPV primary diagnosis ≤5531946/243886.1 (72.2 to 93.6)(53.0–97.1)96.3
Ocular injuries ≤50†422/6683.3 (2.2 to 5.0)(2.2–5.0)0.0
Facial fractures ≤50458/155011.1 (3.0 to 33.9)(0.6–70.5)94.2
Upper body contusions ≤50385/32526.5 (18.1 to 37.0)(13.7–44.9)64.9
Assaults ≤65106073/2091931.6 (22.3 to 42.7)(9.2–67.9)99.4
  • Each pooled positive predictive value represents the overall logit transformed estimate by indicator and outcome. Pooled estimates are based on random effects meta-analyses, unless otherwise specified. Individual forest plots are shown in the supplement.

  • *A 95% prediction interval is a measure of between-study variation and approximates where the PPV is to be expected for 95% of similar future studies.

  • †Estimates based on a fixed-effects meta-analysis due to lower between-study heterogeneity (ie, I 2 <50%).

  • CM, child maltreatment; EHR, electronic health record; FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome; IPV, intimate partner violence; NAS, neonatal abstinence syndrome; PPV, positive predictive value; Ref std, reference standard.