Table 1

Clinical comparison of COVID-19 children versus other patients seen in the emergency department, Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital, Turin

Cohort A (N=244)
COVID-19 children (n=30)Other patients (n=214)P value
Age groups
< 1 year, n (%)6 (20%)53 (24.8%)0.6549
1–5 years, n (%)12 (40%)66 (30.8%)0.403
6–10 years, n (%)8 (26.6%)47 (22%)0.6407
11–17 years, n (%)4 (13.3%)48 (22.4%)0.343
Fever (body temperature >37.5°C), n281680.083
Dry cough, n1668 0.025
Diarrhoea, n3280.777
Dyspnoea/tachypnoea, n3271.000
Sore throat, n1111.000
Smell and taste dysfunction, n00NA
Chest pain, n061.000
Vomiting, n0160.231
At least one symptom*, n302101
At least two symptoms*, n191000.11
At least three symptoms*, n2120.68
Fever with at least another symptom†, n1886 0.0489
Fever with at least one upper airway symptom‡, n1665 0.021
Close contact with a COVID-19 relative, n1814 <0.01
  • *Including dry cough, diarrhoea, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, sore throat, smell and taste dysfunction, chest pain or vomiting.

  • †Including fever, dry cough, diarrhoea, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, sore throat, smell and taste dysfunction, chest pain or vomiting.

  • ‡Including dyspnoea, dry cough, sore throat or smell and taste dysfunction.