Table 3

Distribution and association of the occurrence of microorganisms with per capita gross national income (GNI) in the Middle East

OrganismsMiddle-income countries
High-income countries *
OR (95% CI, P value)†
GBS49 (4%)270 (26%)1.06 (1.03 to 1.1;<0.0001)
Staph aureus 206 (17%)41 (4%)0.96 (0.9 to 1; 0.050)
Enterococcus 21 (2%)40 (4%)
Listeria § 3 (0.3%)25 (2%)
Klebsiella 308 (26%)97 (9%)0.96 (0.94 to 0.98;<0.0001)
E.coli 194 (16%)254 (24%)1.02 (1 to 1.03; 0.03)
Pseudomonas 73 (6%)28 (3%)1 (0.94 to 1.01; 0.185)
Enterobacter 146 (12%)30 (3%)0.95 (0.93 to 0.98; 0.001)
Acinetobacter 31 (3%)24 (2%)1 (0.97 to 1.03; 0.926)
Candida 11 (1%)20 (2%)1 (0.98 to 1.07; 0.292)
Gram positives318 (27%)483 (46%)1.03 (1 to 1.05; 0.025)
Gram negatives843 (71%)528 (51%)0.98 (0.95 to 1; 0.024)
  • *Including results from Hammoud et al.

  • †OR for occurrence of each organism per $1000 per capita GNI increase obtained from unadjusted logistic regression models.

  • ‡OR not calculated due to small sample size and low frequency in high-income countries.

  • §OR not calculated due to small sample size and low frequency in middle-income countries.

  • GBS, group B Streptococcus.