Table 2

Weight status and abdominal obesity at age 4 according to type of healthcare use: primary care visits, drug prescriptions and hospital admissions, during the 2-year follow-up

Primary care visitsDrug prescriptionsHospital admissions
IRR*95% CIIRR*95% CIIRR*95% CI
Weight status at age 4 according to z-BMI† (n=1857)
 No excess weight1(ref)1(ref)1(ref)
 Overweight0.980.91 to to to 1.77
 Obesity1.080.94 to 1.231.621.11 to 2.380.800.41 to 1.57
Weight status at age 4 according to waist circumference‡ (n=1851)
 No abdominal obesity1(ref)1(ref)1(ref)
 Abdominal obesity1.060.95 to 1.191.370.99 to 1.900.940.53 to 1.64
Weight status at age 4 (baseline) according to waist-to-height ratio§ (n=1851)
 No abdominal obesity1(ref)1(ref)1(ref)
 Abdominal obesity1.060.97 to 1.171.341.02 to 1.760.880.54 to 1.44
  • *IRR: Incidence Rate Ratio estimated using mix models of negative binomial regression adjusted for sex, age, maternal educational level, familial purchasing power, time breastfeeding and perceived health status at age 4.

  • †Overweight: +1 SD of the BMI (z-scores) (z-BMI); Obesity: +2 SD of z-BMI, based on the WHO-2006 reference tables.

  • ‡Abdominal obesity: ≥90 percentile according to reference tables by Fernández et al.15

  • §Abdominal obesity: ≥90 percentile del waist-to-height ratio (both in cm).

  • BMI, body mass index.