Table 2

Illustrative quotations

Receiving results
 Waiting for results
‘C: I need the results. But if it means I’ve gotta wait, then you sort of have to.’ P2, p5, 165
  Uncertainty and risk
‘C: I felt worried because there was a lump and worried what it would do when I get older.’ P9, p2, 62
‘P: There’s no hundred per cent in anything.’ P5, p5, 151
  Accuracy or speed in reporting?
   Accuracy over speed‘C: Obviously it’s, quite, like daunting, the wait you have to have. ‘Cos’ you wanna, I sort of wanna know, like ‘Is anything different’?’ P2, p4, 156
   Speed over accuracy‘P: Even if they, someone gave ya a phone call. (NT: Mmmm.) Just to say, ‘We’ve had a, quick scan. We think everything’s okay, but, we’re not puttin’ our name against it, until ya come in’. It’s just that, not knowing, (NT: Mmmm.) that’s the thing an’ it, an’ it’s awful.’ P10, p13, 488
  Preferences to see images
‘P: We don’t look at the scans any more. We just go in and discuss the changes.’ P2, p2, 54
‘P: I always want to see them, obviously.’ P7, p2, 50
‘P: Couldn’t care less, whether we had a picture or not.’ P10, p11, 377
‘C: Now when I go, I prefer seeing the scans.’ P12, p2, 53
Emotional responses to first seeing MRIs
   Positive‘P: You were giggling (when first shown MRI)? (NT laughs. C: Yeah.) (…)
C: ‘Cos’ um, ‘cos’ it was fun-ny.’ P6, p2, 60
‘P: Sometimes I do think… images of your brain are really intrusive. ‘Cos’ I think it’s so personal. But then, at the same time, erm…. I was happy to see it.’ P14, p3, 90
   Neutral‘P: And then when I actually went into the room and saw the scan, it didn’t really mean a lot to me, what I saw.’ P11, p3, 83
   Negative‘C: I could see the scans and I knew what it meanttt. I’d… get a little bit worried and I would cry or something, cos it made me feel upset, ‘cos’ obviously I knew what I’d have to go through again.’ P12, p2, 63
‘P: I just remember my first thought, thinking ‘That’s it. There you go. [They]’ll um, erm… That’s it. That the end of (Child)’, and knowing that [they]’ll die. (…) Because the tumour was massive.’ P12, p2, 78
Understanding of images
  Images can show
   Functioning of the brain‘P: it was interesting to see where the er, yaknow the brain, the water brain, the water of (their) brain goes and that.’ P8, p5,161
   Anomalies‘P: If there is an abnormality, somewhere else as well, like… one side of the head, s’like side of your brain is slightly bigger than the other as well or misshapen, it shows that as well.’ P13, p2, 50
   Tumour present or not‘NT: Is it (the tumour) the smaller circle or the bigger circle?
C: Little one.’ P6, p4, 144
   Tumour size‘C: I like to know, where it is it in the head, what size is it, is it okay.’ P2, p3, 87
   Tumour shape‘P: I, I found it really informative to see (the doctor) and then to be able, for (them), to show me, especially with the MRIs with the different dimensions of it. (Child)’s was always changing shape.’ P7, p2, 66
   Tumour location‘C: So for me, it’s just showing me where the brain tumour isss, in, my head…, really…’ P2, p1, 78
   Origins/how long tumour there‘C: Ermmm, it (the MRI) can tell you, like what, they, what they need to get rid of (NT: Mmmm.), why it’s there… (…) Erm, how it’s caused, and things like that.’ P8, p2, 66
   Next treatment‘C: Erm, they (MRIs) might, they might tell you things like chemotherapy and things like that.’ P8, p2, 70
   Healing‘P: Everything we needed to know regarding the tumour and (their) healing process and if it spread, we knew from, the MRI.’ P6, p12, 398
   Everything‘NT: Is there anything you think the scans, don’t tell you?
C: No. Like it’s all there. Good.’ P5, p4, 118
  Images cannot show
   The future‘C: Can’t tell youuuu, ummm, whether it’ll come back or not.’ P8, p3, 92
‘P: (Pauses) It can’t forecast anything for you. So it’s only showing a picture of there and now.’ P7, p3, 78
   Next treatment‘C: It can’t tell you how long it will be, to wait, for your op ter, actually take place. (pauses)’ P8, p3, 93
   When tumour active or not‘C: Say if my tumour’s growing when they’d taken a scan, and they can see it over time on the scan, how it grows, without like on the same photo.’ P12, p5, 166
   Feelings‘C: It, it, it cannot tell how I’m feeling. (Coughs) (NT: Mmmm.)’ (Silence) P3, p5, 183
   Origins/how long tumour there‘C: (Pauses) Errr, they can’t tell you how…, like, why it’s there, and how -. So, like, so why it’s happened to you… and not someone else.’ P8, p3, 91
   When cured‘C: (Pauses.) Can’t tell youuuu, ummm, whether it’ll come back or not. (NT: Mmmm. Mmmm.)’ P8, p3, 91
‘P: But what else does it not tell me? Erm. (Silence) I don’t know. I, I’m not sure. (…) Ya know if it’s gone, or whatever.’ P11, p5, 169
   All the effects from the tumour‘P: Can’t show side-effects. Mmmm (…) It shows, what’s goin’ on in the brain physically, but not all the, ‘motions, and the, all theee… that type of side of things.’ P3, p10, 351
   Tumour type‘P: Don’t know if they could, they wouldn’t be able to tell what sort of tumour it was.’ P8, p3, 85
   Limits of understanding‘C: It cannot ssshow me, my… Um. I dunno.’ P3, p6, 186
‘P: I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t er, be able to read a scan.’ P8, p4, 114
   Obviousness‘C: Obviously to me, a simple scan is easier for me to understand, ‘cos’ I can just, look and understand it straightaway then, ‘cos’ obviously I’ve saw a couple now.’ P2, p4, 142
   ‘Seeing is believing’ or proof‘P: I don’t like just being told ‘No. Everything’s fine’. (NT laughs) I’m like, ‘Well, hang on, prove to me that it’s fine, first’.’ P13, p2, 57
   Putting the image in context‘C: My doctor, (they’ll) explain to me, like, how it’s grown and you’ll be able to see ‘cos’ (they’ll) put the photos side to side and you’ll be able to see how they’ve grown, so it’s a lot easier to understand.’ P12, p3, 94
Value of MRIs
   Want to see images‘P: (They’re) quite keen to see them, aren’t you? (to child)
C: Yeah. Yes.’ P5, p3, 87
   Friends and family want to see‘NT: And then would you show it (printouts of MRIs) to friends or family or…?
C: Yeah. (NT laughs)’ P6, p16, 573
   Aiding understanding
   Visualising the condition‘C: Every time I can remember, they’ve been, quite easy to understand, when I see them. Really, like, for me. ‘Cos’ it’s just, laid out as, where it is in the head.’ P2, p3, 110
   Aiding others’ understanding‘C: I mean I do show my friends, (…) I’ll more-or-less just say ‘Yeah. It’s fine.’, ‘It’s grown a little bit, it’s shrunk a little bit.’’ P12, p6, 241
   ‘This is what you went through’‘P: And when (they’re) old-er, I could say to (my child), this is what you went through, this is how you started, this is how it finished. So (they know) it…’ P13, p3, 87
  Contextualised knowledge/emotional benefits
   Made it ‘real’‘C: As you get older, (…) you realise, what, what can happen, and you realise the situation you’re in, like, this scan shows what, what can ‘appen. So like how it can still affect you.’ P12, p4, 135
   Gave ‘perspective’‘P: Quite shocking, when I was first told. But to actually see the picture puts things into perspective.’ P7, p2, 57
   Aids grieving‘P: I think, clearly seeing it makes ya- the grieving process a little bit easier.’ P10, p4, 145
   Reassurance‘C: It’s just nice ter, look at them and see that there’s no change.’ P2, p3, 84
  Enhanced control
   Feeling more informed and better prepared‘P: And then obviously with the pictures, you see a lot clearer ‘cos’ it’s like you know what’s going on. ‘Cos’ otherwise if you didn’t know, then, you’d just be panicking, like ‘What’s going on?’ ‘How are they doing stuff?’ So obviously you have to prepare yourselves, as well, so.’ P6, p4, 138
   Keeping for their ‘records’‘P: (Child’s) got a medical drawer, with the letters and thing. We’d probably keep them in there, rather than going to look at them, but they’re there.’ P12, p7, 263
   Respecting patient choice‘P: I wanna see what’s going on inside. Just ter, peace of mind. But not everybody gonna feel that way. Which is fine.’ P14, p5, 188
  Enhanced working relationships
   More involved with child’s care‘P: It makes you feel that you’re part of the actual… kind of setup. Even though obviously we are part of it, to actually see what’s going on instead of just ‘This is what’s happening.’’ P10, p3, 111
   Increased transparency‘P: So even though your doctors are saying something, for you to actually see, and see that they’s telling you the right thing… Okay. I, that, that builds even more trust.’ P3, p7, 256
  No value
‘C: Just not really useful to me (to see the MRIs).’ P7, p4, 108
  • Key: Parents are anonymised as P1, P2… and Children as C1, C2… These are followed by the page and line number from the transcript for the beginning of the quotation.