Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the cohort participants in the UK Millennium Cohort Study in wave 6 (age 14)

CharacteristicsPredicted poverty trajectories
Never in poverty* (n=6652)Poverty in early childhood (n=1424)Poverty in late childhood (n=530)Persistent poverty (n=2046)P value
Child’s sex0.04
 Boy3276 (50.4%)642 (47.0%)273 (53.6%)952 (49.5%)
 Girl3221 (49.6%)723 (53.0%)236 (46.4%)971 (50.5%)
Maternal education<0.001
 Higher degree397 (6.1%)20 (1.5%)1 (0.2%)0 (0%)
 First degree1518 (23.4%)68 (5.0%)8 (1.6%)18 (0.9%)
 Diploma849 (13.1%)76 (5.6%)30 (5.9%)27 (1.4%)
 A-levels814 (12.5%)132 (9.7%)33 (6.5%)56 (2.9%)
 GCSE A–C2119 (32.6%)551 (40.4%)190 (37.4%)523 (27.4%)
 GCSE D–G414 (6.4%)224 (16.4%)84 (16.5%)289 (15.1%)
 None382 (5.9%)293 (21.5%)162 (31.9%)996 (52.2%)
Maternal ethnicity<0.001
 White6017 (92.8%)1146 (84.1%)387 (76.2%)1152 (60.1%)
 Mixed34 (0.5%)18 (1.3%)8 (1.6%)32 (1.7%)
 Indian158 (2.4%)55 (4.0%)7 (1.4%)43 (2.2%)
 Pakistani and Bangladeshi60 (0.9%)48 (3.5%)67 (13.2%)541 (28.2%)
 Black or Black British120 (1.9%)61 (4.5%)28 (5.5%)117 (6.1%)
 Other ethnic groups95 (1.5%)35 (2.6%)11 (2.2%)33 (1.7%)
 Socioemotional behavioural problems<0.001
  SDQ score<176102 (94.1%)1220 (87.9%)416 (80.6%)1589 (81.8%)
  SDQ score≥17381 (5.9%)168 (12.1%)100 (19.4%)353 (18.2%)
  Not obese5997 (94.7%)1200 (90.2%)432 (89.1%)1652 (88.3%)
  Obese335 (5.3%)130 (9.8%)53 (10.9%)219 (11.7%)
 Longstanding illness<0.001
  No5684 (87.4%)1162 (84.9%)405 (79.1%)1644 (84.0%)
  Yes821 (12.6%)207 (15.1%)107 (20.9%)312 (16.0%)
  • *‘Never in poverty’ is a description of the overall class and that some of these children might have been in poverty at some waves, but with very low probability (see online supplementary figure 2).

  • SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.