Table 2

Prevalence of LTBI, positive TST and positive IGRA tests by age group

Age group (years)LTBI*Positive TSTPositive IGRA
n%95% CIn%95% CIn%95% CI
<21145.516.7 to 76.62045.025.8 to 65.81241.719.3 to 68.0
2–42347.826.8 to 69.43342.427.2 to 59.22055.034.2 to 74.2
≤53447.129.8 to 64.95343.431.0 to 56.73250.033.6 to 66.4
>57564.052.1 to 74.87959.548.5 to 65.67852.641.6 to 62.3
Overall10958.748.9 to 68.113253.044.6 to 61.311051.842.6 to 60.9
  • *Only children with valid results for TST and IGRA were included (indeterminate results for IGRA have been excluded).

  • IGRA, interferon-gamma release assay; LTBI, latent TB infection; TB, tuberculosis; TST, tuberculin skin test