Table 4

Comparison of patients by the presence of complications

ComplicationNo complicationP values
Age, years (median (IQR))10.74 (0.23–16.6)10.4 (0.01–18.43)>0.999
Weight, kg (median (range))39.6 (5.6–77)39.6 (2–101.4)>0.999
Emergency procedure, n%10% (n=2/21)8% (n=11/140)>0.999*
ASH distribution, n%65% (n=13/20)67% (n=91/136)>0.999
Systolic dysfunction, n%20% (n=4/20)4% (n=6/136)0.064
Diastolic dysfunction, n%89% (n=16/18)74% (n=71/96)>0.999
LVOT gradient, n%>50 mm Hg24% (n=5/21)17% (n=23/136)>0.999*
MLVWT>30 mm, n%15% (n=3/20)16% (n=20/129)>0.999*
  • Data expressed as % (n=proportion of patients with available data). Comparisons performed using χ2 test unless otherwise stated. 

  • *Fisher’s exact test.

  • ASH, asymmetric septal hypertrophy; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; MLVWT, maximal left ventricular wall thickness.