Table 3

Relative incidence of fever admission and attributable cases (per 100 000 vaccinations) in the 3 days following vaccination with DTaP-IPV-Hib dose preintroduction and postintroduction of pre-4CMenB

Model and dosePre-4CMenB vaccine introductionPost-4CMenB vaccine introduction
No of eventsRI (95% CI)Attributable cases per
100 000 vaccinations
(95% CI)
No of eventsRI (95% CI)Attributable cases per
100 000 vaccinations
(95% CI)
Dose 1273.00 (1.99 to 4.53)33 (29 to 49)9510.78 (8.31 to 14.00)162 (129 to 195)
Dose 230.43 (0.14 to 1.36)−6 (−44 to 1)142.20 (1.27 to 3.83)14 (5 to 25)
Dose 3152.51 (1.47 to 4.27)16 (7 to 28)509.80 (7.06 to 13.60)84 (62 to 109)
  • RI, relative incidence; 4CMenB, 4 component Meningococcal B.