Table 3

Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) type, complications and referral among the 31 cases of FGM/C in girls

No*No (%)
FGM/C type according to WHO classification26
 Type I10 (38.5)
 Type II5 (19.2)
 Type III5 (19.2)
 Type IV6 (23.1)
Complications reported†8
 Urinary dysfunction (dysuria, UTI, enuresis and periurethral bleeding)6 (75.0)
 Gynaecological and obstetric complications (dysmenorrhoea, vulvar vaginitis and erythema, sexual problems, fertility problems)2 (25.0)
 Chronic pain2 (25.0)
 Psychological problems1 (12.5)
 Obstetrics and gynaecology19 (76.0)
 Social work16 (64.0)
 Child protection13 (52.0)
 Psychological counselling1 (4.0)
 Surgery1 (4.0)
 Enuresis service1 (4.0)
  • *The number of valid responses.

  • †Some children had more than one complication.

  • UTI, urinary tract infection.