Table 2

Baseline characteristics of 251 infants with bacteraemic urinary tract infection

Age in days, median (IQR)35 (17–58)
Male gender (%)148 (59)
Max temperature on presentation (°C)
 <38 (%)13 (5.2)
 38–38.9 (%)135 (53.8)
 39–39.9 (%)86 (34.3)
 ≥40 (%)17 (6.8)
Cerebrospinal fluid obtained
 <1 month of age (%)108/117 (92.3)
 1–2 months of age (%)62/81 (76.5)
 2–3 months of age (%)26/53 (49.1)
Total (%)196/251 (78.1)
Comorbidity* (%)10 (4)
Ill-appearance (%)19 (7.6)
Hospitalised (%)242 (96.4)
Renal ultrasound obtained (%)240 (95.6)
Voiding cystourethrogram obtained (%)210 (83.7)
Urine collection method
 Catheterisation (%)185 (73.7)
 Bag (%)4 (1.6)
 Unknown (%)62 (24.7)
Organism (%)
Escherichia coli225 (89.6)
Enterobacter spp.8 (3.2)
Klebsiella spp.7 (2.8)
Group B Streptococcus5(2)
Enterococcus spp.3 (1.2)
Klebsiella+Pseudomonas1 (0.4)
Staphylococcus aureus1 (0.4)
Citrobacter1 (0.4)
Extended spectrum β-lactamase producing organism (%)3 (1.2)
  • *Included known genitourinary abnormalities (n=6), prematurity (n=1), trisomy 22 (n=1), aortic stenosis (n=1), ‘suprarenal mass & ventriculoseptal defect’ (n=1).