Abstract G196 Table 1

Height, weight and BMI standard deviation scores (SDS) from diagnosis

Whole groupMale subgroupFemale subgroup
Mean (95% Cl)Np ValueMean (95% Cl)Np ValueMean (95% Cl)Np Value
Height SOS
Diagnosis0.17 [0.O9 to 0.26]770.17 [0.04 to 0.30]370.18 [0.07 to 0.28]40
1 year into treatment−0.27 [−0.36 to−0.18]69<0.0001−0.21 [−0.35 to−0.06]320.03−0.32 [−0.43 to−0.21]37<0.0O01
End–of–treatment (EoT)−0.31 [−0.40 to−0.22]68<0.0001−0.27 [−0.41 to−0.13]32<0.0001−0.35 [−0.47 to −0.24]36<0.0001
1 year post–EoT(1YO)−0.09 [−0.18 to O.00|66<0.0001−0.10 [−0.24 to 0.05]31<0.0001−0.09 [−0.20 to 0.03]350.005
2 years post–EoT (2YO)−0.04 [−0.14 to O.06|58<0.0001−0.09 [−0.26 to 0.09]23<0.0001−0.01 [−0.13 to O.10]350.13
3 years post–EoT (3YO)0.01 [−0.09 to 0.11]53O.004−0.06 [−0.25 to 0.13]200.0060.05 [−0.07 to 0.17]330.31
Weight SDS
Diagnosis0.37 [0.26 to 0.48]770.29 [0.12 to 0.46]370.44 [0.30 to 0.59]40
1 year into treatment0.41 [0.30 to 0.52]690.990.45 [0.27 to 0.62]320.970.38 [0.24 to 0.53]370.967
End–of–treatment (EoT)0.74 [0.62 to 0.85]68<0.00010.62 [0.44 to 0.80]320.0030.85 [0.70 to 0.10]360.003
1 year post–EoT (1YO)0.83 [0.72 to 0.96]66<0.00010.72 (0.52 to 0.91]31<0.00010.96 [0.80 to 1.11]35<0.0001
2 years post–EoT (2YO)0.83 [0.70 to 0.96]58<0.00010.61 [0.39 to 0.83]23<0.00011.00 [0.84 to 1.15]35<0.0001
3 years post–EoT (3YO)0.78 [0.65 to 0.92]53<0.00010.55 [0.31 to 0.79]20<0.00010.95 [0.79 to 1.11]33<0.0001
Diagnosis0.35 [0.20 to 0.50]770.24 [0.01 to 0.46]370.46 [0.27 to 0.64]40
1 year into treatment0.81 [0.65 to 0.97]69<0.00010.87 [0.62 to 1.13]320.0010.77 [0.57 to 0.96]370.13
End–of–treatment (EoT)1.29 [1.13 to 1.45]68<0.00011.11 [0.85 to 1.36]32<0.00011.46 [1.26 to 1.66]36<0.0001
1 year post–EoT (1YO)1.21 [1.05 to 1.37]66<0.00011.05 [0.79 to 1.31]31<0.00011.36 [1.15 to 1.56]35<0.0001
2 years post–EoT (2YO)1.14 [0.96 to 1.31]58<0.00010.86 [0.56 to 1.17]230.011.34 [1.14 to 1.55]35<O.0O01
3 years post–EoT (3YO)1.04 [0.85 to 1.22]53<0.00010.77 [0.43 to 1.10]200.021.24 [1.03 to 1.45]33<0.0001
  • Mean [95% confidence intervals; Cl] displayed for height–, weight– and EMI–SDS for the whole group and gender subgroups. Differences tested using a univariate model, incorporating time from diagnosis and anonymous subject identifier, with post–hoc analysis using Dunnett's two–sided test for multiple comparisons; p–Values ≤0.001 (versus diagnosis) are considered significant and displayed in italics. N = number or patients included in the analysis at the stated timepoint. YO =years out from end–of–treatment.