Table 1

Sample characteristics

Child visits†
 Number of child visits observed292413
 Mean child age (months)±SD24.2±15.424.8±16.6
 Child <24 months old number (%)161 (55.1)221 (56.0)
 Child – male number (%)140 (50.4)203 (49.2)
 Presenting with cough number (%)154 (52.9)240 (58.8)
 Presenting with diarrhoea number (%)48 (16.6)76 (18.5)
 Presenting with fever number (%)155 (53.5)222 (54.2)
 Presenting with ear problem number (%)7 (2.4)11 (2.7)
Health centre
 Mean proportion of essential oral and injectable drugs available±SD0.96±0.050.95±0.06
 Mean number of under-five visits per month±SD281±198244±123
  • *Student t test performed for difference of means for all continuous variables. χ2 Testing was performed for all categorical variables. p Value >0.05 for all rows.

  • Symptom categories are not mutually exclusive. Missing data <5% for all rows.