Table 2

Baseline infant nutritional, biochemical and anthropometric factors

Infant factorsValues
Demographic factors
 Male sex*557/1045 (53.3)
Neonatal outcomes
 Birth weight (g)†3155 (393.7)
 Birth length (cm)†49.2 (2.9)
 Birth head circumference (cm)†32.7 (2.1)
 Gestational age at delivery (weeks)†39.1 (2.0)
6-week outcomes
 Infant weight (g)†3154 (396.0)
 Infant length (cm)†56.5 (3.7)
 Infant head circumference (cm)†37.4 (2.1)
Dietary factors
 Continued breast feeding at 6 months of age*1045/1046 (99.9)
 Exclusively breast fed at 6 months of age*191/1045 (18.3)
 First introduction of complementary food (weeks)†17.2 (4.01)
Infant morbidity 6 weeks
 Infant diarrhoea*48/1038 (4.6)
 Infant cough*123/1038 (11.9)
 Infant fever*12/1038 (1.2)
 Infant hospitalisation*75/1038 (7.2)
Infant morbidity 6 months
 Infant diarrhoea*421/1046 (40.3)
 Infant cough*593/1046 (56.7)
 Infant fever*265/1046 (25.3)
 Infant hospitalisation*213/1046 (20.4)
Biochemical factors
 Infant haemoglobin (g/dL)†11.0 (1.1)
 Infant ferritin (μg/L)‡31 (17 to 53)
  • *Values are number (%).

  • †Values are mean (SD).

  • ‡Values are median (25th–75th percentile).