Table 4

The value of the main clinical indicators, assessed at presentation, for predicting four clinical outcomes determined at day 4 review (wheezy diseases, pneumonia, death and death or deterioration). Accuracy and predictive value expressed as sensitivity and specificity plus positive and negative predictive values. All values are percentages

Clinical indicatorsSensitivity/specificityPositive/negative predictive value
Predicting wheezy disease
 Wheeze on auscultation82.2/87.884.1/86.2
 >2 previous episodes43.0/85.469.9/65.5
 Wheeze and/or >2 past episodes85.9/76.173.8/87.3
Predicting pneumonia
 Crackles or bronchial breathing on auscultation69.7/90.681.1/83.7
 Crackles or bronchial breathing and/or temperature >38.6°78.5/70.269.5/79.1
 Major patches or effusion or lobar changes on CXR77.2/68.558.7/83.8
 Crackles or bronchial breathing and/or major CXR changes82.9/70.271.6/95.4
Predicting death
 Unconscious or only responds to pain87.5/94.218.4/99.8
Predicting death or subsequent deterioration
 Pulse >166/min and/or respiratory rate >66/min80.0/78.912.6/99.1
 Conscious level P or U and/or weight for age z score > −3.075.0/97.760.0/98.8