Bullous Impetigo | Dermatitis herpetiformis | Bullous pemphigoid | Linear iga dermatosis | |
Clinical Features | Blisters of smooth walled content initially clear and later turbid | Pruritic papules and vesicles on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, buttocks, shoulders, nape of neck, scalp | Tense vesicles or bullae on erythematous base on the inner surface of the thighs, forearms, axillary folds, palms, soles | Vesicles or bullae on perigenital area, extremities, trunk, face |
Aetiology | Staphylococcus aureus epidermolytic toxin | Inmunogenetic | Autoinmune | Autoinmune, drugs induced, infections, trauma and burns |
Histology | Vesicular subcorneal pustules with accumulations of neutrophils | Subepidermal cavity with neutrophils in the dermal papillae | Subepidermal cavity with an inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly of eosinophils | Subepidermal cavity with neutrophils along the basement membrane vacuolar degeneration, eosinophils may be present |
Antigen | None | Transglutaminase | 230 kDa, 180 kDa | LAD-1 BP230 97-kDa, 120-kDa antigen |
Dif | None | Granular deposition of IgA | Linear deposition of C3 and IgG along the basement membrane | Linear deposition of IgA along the basement membrane |
Treatment | Topical and systemic antibiotic | Gluten free diet, oral dapsone | Topical and oral steroids. Oral dapsone | -Oral dapsone -Oral dapsone + oral steroids -Colchicine and intravenous immunoglobulins |