Abstract PO-0354 Table 1

Differential diagnosis of child subepidermal dermatosis

Bullous Impetigo Dermatitis herpetiformis Bullous pemphigoid Linear iga dermatosis
Clinical Features Blisters of smooth walled content
initially clear and later
Pruritic papules
and vesicles on the extensor surfaces of the limbs,
buttocks, shoulders, nape of
neck, scalp
Tense vesicles
or bullae on erythematous base on the inner surface of the thighs, forearms, axillary folds,
palms, soles
Vesicles or bullae on perigenital area, extremities, trunk, face
Aetiology Staphylococcus aureus
epidermolytic toxin
InmunogeneticAutoinmuneAutoinmune, drugs induced, infections, trauma and burns
Histology Vesicular subcorneal pustules with accumulations of neutrophilsSubepidermal cavity with neutrophils in the dermal papillaeSubepidermal cavity with an inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly of eosinophilsSubepidermal cavity with neutrophils along the basement membrane
vacuolar degeneration, eosinophils
may be present
Antigen NoneTransglutaminase230 kDa, 180 kDaLAD-1
97-kDa, 120-kDa antigen
Dif NoneGranular deposition of IgALinear deposition of C3 and IgG along the basement membraneLinear deposition of IgA along the basement membrane
Treatment Topical and systemic antibioticGluten free diet, oral dapsoneTopical and oral steroids. Oral dapsone-Oral dapsone
-Oral dapsone + oral steroids
-Colchicine and intravenous immunoglobulins