Table 1

Country profiles and health indicators in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh

Geographical locationEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
Health and demographic indicators
Estimated HIV prevalence (adults)6 (%)<0.1<0.10.3<0.1
Percentage of total population 0–14 years, 2011–2012747342931
Percentage of under five malnourished (weight for age)732.9 (2004)30.9 (2011)43.5 (2006)36.5 (2011)
Percentage of under five seen by physician for ARI760.5 (2011)69.3 (2007)69 (2006)35.2 (2012)
Health expenditure as % government expenditure77.0 (2012)4.7 (2012)9.4 (2012)7.7 (2012)
TB programme indicators
TB incidence best estimates 20121189231176225
CDR all cases %152655949
Paediatric TB guidelines available8 9 10 11YYYY
Last update of national TB guidelines8 9 10 112007201220122012
MDR in incident (new) cases %
  • ARI, acute respiratory infections; CDR, case detection rates; MDR, multidrug resistant; TB, tuberculosis.