Table 2

Best practice infant feeding regimens for children born to HIV-positive mothers, based on WHO guidelines52–53

Age group (months)Recommended management for feeding children born to HIV-positive mothers
0–6Exclusive breast feeding, unless replacement feeding is AFASS
If replacement feeding is AFASS, then breast feeding should be avoided
6–8If replacement feeding is not AFASS, continue with breast feeding and introduce complementary alternative foodstuffs
Alternative foods should be fortified with supplements if animal food sources are not available
Food should be of a pureed or mashed consistency.
AFASS situation should be constantly assessed
9–11As above but with more solid foods, or so-called ‘finger foods’
12–23 In general, children can eat the same meals as family members
  • Daily calorie requirements of children depend on HIV clinical status and can be seen in table 1.

  • AFASS, acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe.