Table 1

Baseline characteristics, laboratory features, treatment and outcome of children with snake bite

VariableAll patients (n=110)
Age (years) (median, IQR)7 (4, 11)
Male gender76 (69)
Severe malnutrition28 (26)
Time of bite (night)66 (60)
Prehospital treatment
 Use of local treatment37 (34)
 Use of tourniquet60 (54)
 Received treatment in the primary care facility before referral68 (61)
 PIM score (median, IQR)−1.48 (−2.2, −0.8)
Signs and symptoms at admission
 Vomiting73 (65)
 Local swelling63 (57)
 Shock24 (22)
 Acute kidney injury37 (34)
Type of envenomation*
 Predominantly haematotoxic72 (64)
 Predominantly neurotoxic20 (18)
 Predominantly local18 (16)
Snake species
Vipera russeli16 (15)
Echis carinatus42 (38)
Bungarus caerulus11 (10)
Naja naja10 (9)
 Unidentified29 (26)
 Abnormal 20 min WBCT test at admission61 (55)
 Admission Hb (mean, SD)9.7 (2.3)
 Creatinine (mg/dl) (median, IQR)0.6 (0.5, 0.6)
Bite to SAV administration time (h) (median, IQR)5 (3, 8)
Dose of SAV administered (vials) (median, IQR)15 (10, 19)
 Haematotoxic (median, IQR)15 (10, 18)
 Neurotoxic (median, IQR)18 (15, 22)
 Local symptoms (median, IQR)15 (8, 16)
SAV reaction44 (40)
 Hypotension9 (8)
 Discharge83 (75)
 Died14 (13)
 Disability13 (12)
  • Data are expressed as n (%) unless otherwise indicated.

  • *Predominant manifestation.

  • Hb, haemoglobin; PIM, Paediatric Index of Mortality; SAV, snake antivenom; WBCT, whole blood clotting time.