Table 3

Summary of respiratory findings by syndrome status

AHI (events/h)*16.1±1.930.9±7.145.2±8.6
OMAHI (events/h)**7.6±1.215.6±5.734.3±5.1
ODI (events/h)***16.7±1.940.3±9.843.7±9.6
Mean Spo2 (%)97.5±0.496.9±0.696.1±1.4
Minimum Spo2 (%)83.2±1.178.4±2.283.0±1.9
Mean Tcco2 (mm Hg)42.1±1.344.5±4.445.1±2.5
Maximum Tcco2 (mm Hg)54.7±1.565.7±9.960.2±8.8
Periodic breathing time (% sleep time)†2.0±0.51.5±0.51.4±1.8
  • Values are mean±SE. Syndrome includes infants with identified syndromes, chromosomal anomalies and multiple anomalies without a specific identified syndrome. Pierre Robin sequence is a clinical diagnosis.

  • *F stat 10.5, p<0.001.

  • **F stat14.7, p<0.001.

  • ***F stat 8.5, p<0.001.

  • †Includes only infants with at least one episode of periodic breathing (n=40).

  • AHI, Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index; ODI, oxygen desaturation index; OMAHI, Obstructive–Mixed Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index; PRS, Pierre Robin sequence; SpO2, oxygen saturation; TcCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide.