Table 4

Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the physician determining appropriate testing at the time of ALTE and for cardiac test results for significant cardiac disease (n=5)

Sensitivity (95% CI)Specificity (95% CI)PPV (95% CI)NPV (95% CI)
Cardiology consultation* (n=30)40 (7 to 83)94 (91 to 96)6 (1 to 23)99 (98 to 100)
Echocardiogram obtained* (n=40)40 (7 to 83)92 (89 to 94)5 (1 to 18)99 (98 to 100)
ECG obtained* (n=207)60 (17 to 93)57 (53 to 62)1 (0 to 4)99 (97 to 100)
Any testing obtained*‡ (n=214)60 (20 to 92)55 (50 to 59)1 (0 to 4)99 (97 to 100)
Abnormal echocardiogram (n=11)50 (3 to 97)74 (57 to 86)9 (0 to 43)97 (80 to 100)
Abnormal ECG† (n=94)100 (31 to 100)55 (48 to 62)3 (1 to 10)100 (96 to 100)
Abnormal Holter† (n=1)100 (5 to 100)100 (46 to 100)100 (5 to 100)100 (46 to 100)
  • *Physician decision to obtain test.

  • †Test result.

  • ‡Any screening measure indicates patients who received at least one form of cardiac testing. Some patients received more than one test.

  • NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.