Table 1

Events leading to the WHO Code

1939Lecture, Singapore Rotary club: Milk and Murder by Cicely Williams.10
1972Article: commerciogenic malnutrition by Jelliffe.8
1974Book: The Baby Killer by Muller.11
1975Lawsuit by Nestlé against Swiss AgDW for Nestlé kills Babies*12
1977International boycott of Nestlé products by INFACT613
1978US Senate: Hearings on Infant Formula. Edward M Kennedy5 (
1979WHO/UNICEF meeting Infant and young child feeding, Geneva.6
  • * The German translation of ‘The Baby Killer’.

  • AgDW, Arbeitsgruppe Dritte Weit (Swiss Third World Action Group); INFACT, Infant Formula Action Coalition; UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund.