Table 1

HSV CNS infection: results of laboratory investigations

Patient no.WBC (lymphocytes)/RBC per μlProtein (g/l)Viral DNA*Intrathecal
antibody synthesis
Seroconversion to
IgG or IgM
17 (NT)/13100.8HSVNTNT
235 (35)/35000.55HSVNTNT
325 (25)/30.47HSV-1NTNT
423 (18)/<10.6NegativeNTYes
593 (93)/2950.5HSV-1NTNT
62 (NT)/120.68HSVNTYes
7560 (280)/900§1.03HSV-1NTNT
87 (NT)/500.34HSV-1NTNT
970 (70)/400.32NegativeYesNT
1021 (21)/1151.01HSV-1NTNT
1197 (NK)/501.0HSV-1NTNT
12120 (85)/2510NTHSV-1NTNT
14<1 (<1)/500.23HSV-1NTNT
15<1 (<1)/<1NKHSV-1NTNT
161 (1)/100.14HSV-1NTNT
1910 (10)/37**1.06HSVNTNT
  • * Tested for by PCR.

  • Within 2 weeks of onset of serious neurological disease.

  • Virus not typed.

  • § First CSF nothing abnormal detected.

  • First CSF clotted.

  • * *First sample WBC <1/RBC per μl 127.

  • CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HSV, herpes simplex virus; NK, not known; NT, not tested; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.