Service | Number who first sought advice from this service (number at high risk in brackets) | Number who made further contact with services (number at high risk in brackets) | Number who made further contact with secondary care services |
General practice (including out of hours) | 105 (13) | 77 (13) | 58 |
NHS Direct | 47 (2) | 37 (2) | 19 |
Walk-in centre | 34 (3) | 21 (2) | 6 |
Emergency department | 24 (4) | 10 (3) | 4 |
Ambulance | 8 (5) | 8 (5) | 8 |
Other | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 0 |
Total | 220 (27) | 155 (25) | 95 |
The further contact could be with services other than the presenting service. Children initially presenting as at high risk may not have been high risk at subsequent contacts and vice versa.