Table 2

Controlled trials of the effect of BCG on mortality from causes other than tuberculosis among children in the USA and the UK (reported in papers published between 1948 and 1961)

StudyAge followedAllocationBCGNo BCGReduction in mortality (95% CI)*
USA450–13 yearsAlternateN=231: 3/1261 (2.4‰)N=220: 3/1320 (2.3‰)–4% (–682% to 86%)
USA460–15 yearsRandomN=306: 49/2013.5 (24.3‰)N=303: 51/1839.2 (27.7‰)12% (–33% to 42%)
USA470–20 yearsAlternateN=1551: 49/16406 (3.0‰)N=1457: 56/15207 (3.7‰)19% (–21% to 46%)
UK4814–21 yearsOdd/evenN=6700: 7/6700 (1.0‰) §N=6500: 10/6500 (1.5‰)32% (–98% to 78%)
USA490–16 yearsAlternateN=566: 14/566 (24.7‰)N=528: 25/528 (47.3‰)48% (–4% to 75%)
UK4814–21 yearsOdd/evenN=14100: 8/14100 (0.6‰)N=16/13200 (1.2‰)53% (–12% to 83%)
Total25% (6% to 41%)
Twins350–17 monthsTwins1/5 (89)=0.20 (0.02–1.68)**DTP: 22/3 (164)=7.3 (2–38)**p<0.001
  • Number of children: died/person-years (deaths per 1000 person-years).

  • * 100 × (1−BCG mortality/control mortality).

  • Excludes deaths from accidents.

  • Number of children died/number of children (deaths per 1000 children).

  • § Vole vaccine used rather than BCG.

  • 100 × (1−Mantel–Haenszel combined mortality ratio), test of homogeneity p=0.65, Stata version 10.

  • ** Twins (BCG v DTP): female deaths/male deaths (number of female–male twin pairs)=ratio (95% CI); not randomised, but unbiased.

  • BCG, Bacillus Calmette–Guerin; DTP, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.