Table 1

Change in methods and members of the multidisciplinary team (MST) available for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment between 2001 and 2007

2001 (%)2007 (%)*
Team approach
 CDTs using MDT approach to ASD diagnostic assessment4893
 Joint clinics with child mental health services3457
 Educational psychologist366
 Occupational therapist54
 Clinical psychologist4753
 Specialist teacher52
 Child psychiatrist2242
 Social worker1530
 Family support worker+222
 Learning disability psychiatrist315
  • − Data unavailable from 2001; + parent counsellor in 2001.

  • * % For each professional discipline, not number of sessions funded for the discipline. Many responders commented on lack of availability of particular professional groups.

  • At least speech and language therapist (SLT) and paediatrician. CDT, child development team.