Table 1

In-hospital mortality, demographic and hospital discharge characteristics of infants and children undergoing tracheotomy, Kids' Inpatient Database 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2006

Characteristic1997200020032006p Value*
Number of tracheotomy operations (SE)4322 (232)4511 (228)4502 (232)4751 (247)0.7
In-hospital mortality
 % Of patients who died during the hospitalisation when tracheotomy was performed (SE)7.7% (0.7)7.9% (0.7)7.8% (0.5)8.5% (0.5)0.7
 Median number of days between tracheotomy and death (IQR)27 (9–56)17 (4–47)22 (6–55)26 (9–59)<0.001
 % Of all deaths within 14 days of tracheotomy placement (SE)30.9% (3.7)48.2% (4.2)36.4% (3.4)36.5% (3.3)<0.001
Age at admission for tracheotomy
 Median age in years (IQR)4.0 (0–15)2.0 (0–14)2.0 (0–14)1.0 (0–14)<0.001
Insurance use and gender
 Public insurance use (SE)43.1% (1.7)41.0% (1.8)48.4% (1.6)51.1% (1.5)<0.001
 Male gender (SE)63.1% (1.2)58.7% (1.2)60.7% (1.0)58.2% (1.0)0.008
 White (SE)41.0% (2.8)45.3% (2.2)36.1% (2.1)37.6% (2.1)<0.01
 Non-Hispanic black (SE)16.4% (1.4)15.8% (1.3)15.8% (1.4)16.2% (1.3)
 Hispanic (SE)10.5% (1.5)14.5% (1.7)14.9% (1.6)15.8% (1.6)
 Other (SE)5.7% (0.7)8.0% (1.0)7.5% (0.8)8.2% (0.9%)
 Missing (SE)26.4% (3.5)16.4% (2.5)25.6% (3.3)22.1% (3.1%)
Discharge disposition
 To home with home health nursing (SE)14.3% (1.8)15.8% (1.6)18.7% (1.5)21.4% (1.6)<0.001
 Transfer to short-term hospital, skilled nursing or intermediate care facility (SE)35.1% (1.7)35.6% (1.7)34.0% (1.5)36.2% (1.6)
 To home without home health nursing (SE)42.8% (2.0)40.4% (1.9)38.3% (2.0)33.4% (1.8)
 Missing (SE)0%<0.01%1.2% (0.1)0%
  • * p Value represents significance for a trend over time for each characteristic.

  • SE, standard error of the weighted estimate.

  • Tracheotomy placement date was available for 53% (1997), 73% (2000), 65% (2003) and 68% (2006) of children who died during the hospitalisation.