Congenital impairmentHearing impairment considered to be present and detectable at or very early after birth, including those babies with an early or perinatally acquired impairment. This was the default classification when there was no indication that the impairment was either acquired or late onset
Acquired impairmentHearing impairment that first manifested itself postnatally and could be attributed to an identifiable exogenous cause
Late onset impairmentHearing impairment that first manifested itself postnatally but could not be attributed to an identifiable exogenous cause
Progressive impairmentHearing impairment that may be congenital, acquired or late onset but which worsened over time
Confirmation of impairmentThe process of establishing the presence of hearing impairment by an age-appropriate threshold test with high reliability of the results
Confirmation with audiological certaintyConfirming the presence of hearing impairment by age-appropriate tests where both the degree and type of impairment were established
ReferralThe process of referring a child to an audiologist for an assessment of hearing threshold either reactively because of professional or parental concern or from a hearing screen. When used as an indicator of outcome only referrals resulting in confirmation were included