Table 1

Definitions and description of the questionnaire

ItemsDataComments, amendments
CountryName of country
Date of the national reportYear
 Definition of the primary care system in relation to main health providerBased on GPs or FDs or paediatricians or combined system (define the system according to what approximately 75% of children get as main health provider)
 Type of insurancePrivate/public/mixed
 Definition of access to the systemFree (no direct payment), payment with total reimbursement, payment and partial reimbursement
 Definition of paediatric ageDefine the range in years considered paediatric age (eg, 0–18); specify exceptions and if there is a different age for primary care or hospital
 Planning and funding of healthcare (centralised vs decentralised)Planning and funding centralised (national), decentralised (regional/counties/communities)
Demographic data
 Total population (in millions)(Year)
 Neonatal mortality (0–28 days mortality×1000 live births)(Year)
 Infant mortality (0–1 year mortality×1000 live births)(Year)
 Under 5 years mortality(Year)
 Life expectancy at birth (female)(Year)
 Life expectancy at birth (male)(Year)
 Birth rate (number of births×1000 population)(Year)
 Birth cohort (year)Total number of newborns per year
 Paediatric populationAbsolute number of children in the previously defined age range for paediatric population
Setting and professionals involved in primary care
 Place where children are visited for primary carePrivate practice/office/child care centres/health centres/mixed
 Type of professional attending primary careGP or paediatrician
 Other staff at child health centres/private practice/office practiceNurses, other professionals
 Total number of patients each paediatrician, GP or FD cares for or assigned to themNumber of patients×paediatricians, GP, FD
Number of professionals and training
 Total number of paediatricians in the countryNumber
 Total number of paediatricians in primary careNumber
 Training in paediatricsNumber of years, specified general+specialisation
 Training of GPs or FDs in paediatricsMonths they train in paediatrics
 Child health programme at the child health centreNumber of health visits
 Setting where vaccination takes placePaediatricians office, healthcare centres
 Main professional in charge of vaccinationPaediatrician, GP or FD, nurse, others (specify)
 Healthcare of school childrenSpecify in there is a specific healthcare programme; who is in charge?
 Adolescent medicineWho takes care, in general, for adolescents?
Place for free comments
 Special comments
 Comment on three strong and three weak points of your system
  • FD, family doctor.