Table 2

Current prescription and new correction

SpectaclesSN (n=228)LD (n=172)
No need123 (53.94%)90 (52.32%)
Own spectacles adequate50 (21.92%)37 (21.51%)
Own spectacles inadequate15 (6.57%); 15 for distance including 2 bifocals10 (5.81%); 9 for distance and 1 for near
13 might benefit from new correction for distance and 2 for bifocalsAll might benefit from new correction
Not wearing any previous prescription and might benefit from new correction40 (17.5%) for distance; 2 bifocals35 (20.3%); includes 29 distance, 2 near and 4 bifocals
Total number of children who might benefit from new correction55 (24.1%)45 (26.2%)
  • LD, learning disability; SN, special needs.