Table 1

Demographic variables of sample

Survey respondentsn (%)
Carer age (years)Primary female care giver n = 349*Partner n = 299†
Under 202 (0.6%)0
20–2980 (22.9%)45 (15.1%)
30–39177 (50.7%)147 (49.1%)
40+90 (25.8%)107 (35.8%)
Carer education levelMother‡ n = 347Partner§ n = 297
Year 9 or less15 (4.3%)18 (6.1%)
Year 10–1193 (26.8%)71 (23.9%)
Completed year 1276 (21.9%)56 (18.8%)
Postsecondary education163 (47.0%)152 (51.2%)
Health insurance statusn = 355(%)
No health insurance (Medicare only)218(61.4%)
Private health insurance137(38.6%)
SEIFA¶n = 335**(%)
Most disadvantaged36(10.7%)
Least disadvantaged238(70.1%)
Best description of familyn = 355(%)
Living with two natural parents255(71.2%)
Mother alone47(14.0%)
All other family types (including living with grandparents)53(14.8%)
  • *Sample: n = 349.

  • †Sample: n = 299.

  • ‡Missing data: n = 347.

  • §Missing data: n = 297.

  • ¶Socio-Economic Indices For Areas; 2001 census of population. Australian Bureau of Statistics.

  • **Missing data: n = 335.