Gross motor | 1. Head up to 45° | 1. Dances to music | 1. Pulls self to stand (not | 1. Dances (not specific enough) |
2. Walks up steps | 2. Kneels well to be respectful | understood by research | 2. Carries object on head with one hand |
3. Pedals tricycle | 3. Climbs and gets down | assistants) | (need to specify exact object) |
| 4. Carries object on head with | 2. Touches toes with legs | 3. Carries water on head with no hands |
one hand | straight (difficult to teach) | (need to specify size) |
| 5. Pushes wheel with stick | | |
6. Carries water on |
head– no hands |
| | | | |
Fine motor | 1. Looks for yarn | 1. Bangs drum/pot | 1. Draws a person with 3 parts | 1. Moulds ball with clay (task not |
2. Thumb wiggle | 2. Moulds ball with clay | (many not passing by age 6) | normally done by children) |
3. Thumb finger grasp | 3. Makes doll of clay | 2. Draws a person with 6 parts | 2. Bangs drum/pot (translation “plays |
| 4. Sorts objects into groups | (many not passing by age 6) | drum” incorrect) |
| 5. Picks longest stick | | 3. Builds house of corn cobs (sex specific) |
| | | | |
Language | 1. Responds to bell | 1. Sings | 1. Knows 3 colours (colours | 1. Uses respectful terms (poor reliability) |
2. Squeals | 2. Knows today and tomorrow | used differently in Malawi) | 2. Knows father’s name (poor reliability) |
3. Points to pictures/name | 3. Knows name of own village | 2. Knows opposites (not specific | 3. Can count bottle tops to 10 (counting |
pictures | 4. Uses respectful terms | enough–question needed | learned at school– not many children |
4. Counts 1 block | 5. Knows father’s name | clarifying) | in school/nursery aged under 5) |
5. Uses plurals | 6. Can count bottle tops to 10 | | |
| | | | |
Social | 1. Plays pat-a-cake | 1. Shares things | 1. Helps in house | 1. Spends most of time on mum’s back |
2. Plays ball with examiner | 2. Plays with friends | 2. Puts on clothing with help | (family dependent) |
3. Resists toy pull | 3. Spends most of time on | (poor reliability) | 2. Shy with strangers (poor reliability) |
4. Plays peek-a-boo | mum’s back | 3. Feeds self (specify what | 3. Sweeps (sex specific) |
6. Uses spoon/fork | 4. Eats with family in a group | type of food) | 4. Washes dishes (sex specific) |
7. Feeds doll | 5. Can plant seeds by self | 4. Drinks from cup by self | 5. Goes to the toilet with help (not specific |
8. Brushes teeth with help | 6. Washes dishes | (not specific enough | enough, eg, older children need help using |
9. Names a friend | 7. Washes clothes | regarding how well or not | pit latrines) |
10. Plays board games | 8. Sweeps | child needed to do this) | |
12. Prepares cereal | 9. Goes to the toilet with help | | |
13. Plays interactive games, eg, tag | 10. Goes to the toilet by self |
14. Buttons up | 11. Makes porridge by self | |
| 12. Adds wood to fire | |
| 13. Can build fire by self | |