Table 1

 The aims of INoPSU

Primary aim:
• To enhance communication and collaboration between national
    Paediatric Surveillance Units and child health researchers worldwide
Secondary aims include:
• Collecting simultaneous or sequential, standardised data from two or more countries to:
    – document and compare epidemiology on rare and/or
        emerging disorders;
    – provide educational information to paediatricians to facilitate early
        diagnosis and appropriate management of rare conditions;
    – develop uniform diagnostic criteria;
    – establish international cohorts for future research, including
      molecular epidemiological studies; and
    – mount a response to epidemiological emergencies.
• Disseminating information on rare diseases to INoPSU members,
    community and parent-support groups, and relevant authorities to
    inform clinical practice, policy development, and educational
    and public health initiatives
• Sharing information about the surveillance process and facilitating
    evaluation of units and development of new units