Table 1

 Rates of hospitalisation for acute respiratory disease in Sydney children under 18 years of age, 2000, by age and study period, using Method 1*

Age groupPopulation at risk†Number of hospitalisationsMean weekly rateAnnual rate attributable to influenza (95% CI)‡
Rate/100 000 population‡
Influenza predominant periodBaseline periodInfluenza predominant periodBaseline periodExcess attributable to influenza
*As per previous study.5
†Australian Bureau of Statistics mid-year estimate for 2000.
‡Rates and CIs rounded to whole numbers.
<1 y559725584821425686604 (514 to 694)
1 to <2 y545664434591165561424 (340 to 507)
2 to <5 y161989519676462718128 (97 to 159)
5 to <10 y268358217261126536 (24 to 48)
10 to <18 y41745815023054110 (4 to 17)