Table 2

 Analysis of variance and covariance for study 1 (total physical activity, mean accelerometer count per minute)

Explanatory variableUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
Coefficient (ESE)p valueCoefficient (ESE)p value
R2 for final model, 7.0%.
ESE, estimated standard error; NS, not significant.
Gender, female v male−62.0 (20.7)0.003−59.1 (20.3)0.004
Month (Oct v Sept)−83.9 (20.7)<0.0005−81.8 (20.5)<0.0005
    SES, 1 v 3−124.5 (44.6)0.02
    SES, 2 v 3−1.8 (23.6)NS
Age (years)16.3 (30.1)NS
BMI SD score17.4 (11.2)NS