Table 1

 Summary of all infants with increased thyroid stimulating hormone level (>15 mU/l) who underwent dual scanning

SexGuthrie TSH (days)Ven TSH (days)Ven T4 (days)Age at Rx (days)Ultrasound reportIsotope scanningDiagnosisConc
Report; TSH/age (days)Day of Rx
A, athyreosis; conc, concordance; D, dyshormonogenesis; E, ectopia; F, female; hemi, hemi-agenesis; hypo, hypoplasia; M, male; mat. abs, maternal blocking antibodies; NA, not applicable; prem, prematurity; Rx, start of thyroxine treatment; SU, status uncertain; T4, free thyroxine (pmol/l); TETSH, transient hyperthyrotropinaemia; TH, transient hypothyroidism; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; Ven, venous.
The age at neonatal (Guthrie card) screening, venepuncture and Rx is given in days. Guthrie TSH is capillary TSH on neonatal screening.
*Total thyroxine (nmol/l).
The TSH on the day of isotope scan (or nearest available day) is shown.
F173 (7)477 (13)7 (13)13No tissueFaint uptake base of tongue; 5.8/2715EYes
F152 (8)155.3 (16)10 (16)15No tissueSmall area base of tongue; NA/172EYes
M83 (5)NA (11)79* (11)11Lingual thyroidUptake thyroid region;76.8/144EYes
F465 (8)464 (14)7.2 (14)14No tissueSublingual thyroid; 26/207EYes
F238 (7)514 (11)5.7 (11)11No tissueSmall area midline of tongue; NA/155EYes
F135 (7)>100 (9)66 (9)9No tissueLingual uptake in midline; 70.8/157EYes
M78 (7)370 (12)9.2 (12)12No tissueSmall area post. to tongue; 13.2/176EYes
F165 (6)>100 (9)26.7 (9)10No tissueLingual thyroid; NA/156EYes
F42 (5)22.6 (12)15.7 (12)58No tissueUptake higher, more post; NA/300EYes
M149 (7)354.5 (13)6.2 (13)13No tissueTiny area base of tongue;354 (13d)/142EYes
F41 (7)20.7 (10)16.3 (10)155No tissueSmall sublingual; NA/490EYes
F140 (5)>100 (8)70* (8)8No tissueFocal tracer base of tongue; NA/136EYes
F447 (6)>150 (10)29* (10)10No tissue;cysts on leftNo uptake; NA/178AYes
M246 (5)141.1 (11)5 (11)11No tissueNo uptake; NA/277AYes
M271 (5)>100 (11)3.7 (11)11No tissueNo uptake: extravasation; NA/144AYes
F301 (5)660 (10)8 (10)10No tissueNo uptake; 59.5/156AYes
F285 (5)>150 (9)4.1 (10)8No tissueNo uptake;49.7 (35 days)/1710AYes
F159 (5)>150 (10)<20* (10)10No tissueNo uptake; 204/167AYes
M279 (5)561 (12)<6 (12)12No tissueNo uptake; 44.6/209AYes
F146 (5)>150 (11)3 (11)11No tissueNo uptake; 70.4/166AYes
F258 (6)616.9 (12)3.6 (12)11No tissueNo uptake; 7.1 (14.5 months)/15 months15moAYes
F221 (6)>150 (13)<20* (13)13No tissueNo uptake; 6.7 (22 days)/164AYes
F163 (5)>150 (9)35* (9)9No tissueNo uptake; 2.8/2315AYes
F27 (7)7.4 (16)18 (16)NoneLeft hemi-agenesisSlightly asymmetrical;7.3/8 months0L HemiYes
F54 (7)55 (12)17 (12)15Right hemi-agenesisUptake but formless oval;NA/195R HemiYes
F23 (9)16.2 (22)14 (22)207Rounded noduleRounded area of uptake;NA/5 months0HypoYes
F255 (6)>150 (8)84 (8)8SmallFaint uptake midline;11.7/158HypoYes
F208 (7)72.3 (10)4.5 (10)12LargeGood uptake; NA/176DYes
F49 (7)>100 (14)8 (14)14LargeGlobally enlarged; 68.3/207DYes
M16 (4)14.8 (36)9 (36)0LargeNormal; NA/2 months0DYes
F300 (6)>150 (11)<20* (11)11LargeNormal; NA/177DYes
M29 (6)55 (10)11 (10)10NormalNormal ; 5.3/178DYes
M41 (13)117.8 (21)6.6 (21)21NormalNormal; 10.2/288TH (prem)Yes
F27 (9)33.6 (31)92* (31)NoneSmallNormal; 24.4/470TETSHYes
F55 (5)77 (10)14.1 (10)10Right hemi-agenesisNo uptake; NA/167R HemiNo
F104 (5)>150 (10)<5 (10)10SmallNo uptake;71.9 (14 days)/167HypoNo
F120 (5)>100 (12)9 (12)12SmallNo uptake; 1/198HypoNo
F77 (5)68.4 (10)14.3 (10)10No right lobe;cysts on leftNo uptake;7.7 (22 days)/2112HypoNo
M248 (5)>150 (11)40 (11)11Normal size but hypoechoicNo uptake; 30.8/2818TH (mat. abs)No
M33 (5)11.87 (4)220* (4)13NormalNo uptake; 2.2/208SUNo