Table 3

 Child and family health (CFH) research activity by themes in the Children’s NSF

Children’s NSFCFH research expenditure% CFH research expenditure
Since projects could cover more than one area and factors were not mutually exclusive, percentages may add up to more than 100.
Supporting parents£180 0000.5
Integrated child and family centred services£370 0001
Children in special circumstances£620 0002
Children in hospital£940 0003
Disabled children£2 070 0006
Growing up£2 280 0007
Promoting health£2 410 0007
Children with mental health needs£2 810 0009
Medicines£7 390 00023
Children who are ill and/or have long term conditions£8 990 00028
Maternity£9 530 00030
Total Children’s NSF expenditure£24 620 00077
Total CFH research expenditure£32 140 000