Table 1

 Cumbria: early neonatal death rates per 1000 live births by time period and (a) social class and (b) quintile of deprivation (Townsend score)

DeathsRate95% CIDeathsRate95% CIDeathsRate95% CIDeathsRate95% CI
(a) Social class
I4510.07.4 to 13.3309.26.4 to 13.1154.12.5 to 6.993.11.6 to 6.0
II16510.48.9 to 12.1888.67.0 to 10.6575.74.4 to 7.4273.22.2 to 4.7
IIIn14013.911.7 to 16.4376.95.0 to 9.5358.25.9 to 11.4175.93.7 to 9.5
IIIm64413.412.4 to 14.529110.29.1 to 11.41266.05.0 to 7.1533.22.4 to 4.2
IV31114.312.8 to 15.910310.28.4 to 12.4546.75.1 to 8.7182.61.6 to 4.1
V20317.415.2 to 20.06813.410.6 to 17.0265.94.0 to 8.7143.82.2 to 6.4
Armed forces and unknown5114.711.2 to 19.41313.07.5 to 22.324.31.1 to 17.326.01.5 to 23.9
Father unrecorded8830.024.4 to 37.06328.122.0 to 36.02912.18.4 to 17.5113.21.8 to 5.7
p for trend across social classes I–V<0.001<0.001>0.05>0.05
(b) Deprivation quintile
Townsend score
    1 (low)1138.67.1 to 10.3676.24.9 to 7.8374.13.0 to 5.7
    21189.07.5 to 10.7666.14.8 to 7.7353.92.8 to 5.4
    31319.98.4 to 11.8706.55.1 to 8.2273.02.1 to 4.4
    414010.69.0 to 12.5656.04.7 to 7.6303.32.3 to 4.8
    5 (high)19114.512.6 to 16.7767.05.6 to 8.8222.41.6 to 3.7
All births164713.913.3 to 14.669310.59.8 to 11.33446.35.7 to 7.01513.32.9 to 3.9