Table 1

 Summary of responses to questions

*47% of the original cohort; **30% of the original cohort.
†Open question. The answers were categorised by the investigators (one teacher and one pharmacist).
‡Some schools reported more than one designated person as responsible for the task.
§Supporting staff includes secretary, administrative officer, office manager, welfare officer/assistant, and lunch time supervisor.
¶Teaching staff include: teacher, special education needs co-ordinator (SENCO), SENCO assistant, learning support assistant, and teaching/class assistant.
Not applicable, question does not apply to respondent; PGCE, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (UK official teaching qualification).
A) School documents and policies regarding supporting pupils with medical needs and medication administration
1) Are you aware that the Department for Education and Skills has producedYes7367
a document called Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs? (n = 109 respondents)No3633
2) If answer to question (1) is Yes: Have you read the aboveYes5274*
document? (n = 70 respondents)No1826
3) If answer to question (1) is Yes: Are you aware of any otherYes3345**
member of staff who has read the document? (n = 73 respondents)No4055
4) Does your school follow any policy or procedure in caring forYes10595
the medical needs of pupils? (n = 110 respondents)No55
5) Name of the organisation who drew up the policy† (n = 98 respondents)School governing body7678
Special Education Needs Co-ordinator44
Local Education Authority66
Health and safety committee of local borough88
Local school medical service22
DoH/DfES guideline11
Primary Care Trust11
B) Responsibility for the medical needs of pupils and medication access
1) Does your school have a designated member of staff who handlesYes9892
the medical needs of the pupils? (n = 107 respondents)No98
2) Who are the designated staff responsible for medicalSupporting staff§77Not applicable
needs†‡ (n = 98 respondents)Teaching staff¶20
Head teacher/deputy head teacher9
First aider18
School nurse3
3) Is there a member of staff who handles access to storedYes10294
medicines? (n = 109 respondents)No76
4) Who are the designated staff responsible for handling accessSupporting staff§84Not applicable
to stored medicines†‡ (n = 100 respondents)Teaching staff¶10
Head teacher/deputy head teacher7
First aider15
School nurse1
5) Does your school keep written health care plans for the individualNot applicable2827
child with epilepsy? (n = 105 respondents)Yes5149
Not sure11
6) Does your school keep written health care plans for the individualNot applicable3029
child with diabetes? (n = 105 respondents)Yes4745
Not sure11
7) Does your school keep written health care plans for the individualNot applicable33
child with asthma? (n = 108 respondents)Yes5955
Not sure11
C) Acceptance of instructions from parents and records keeping
1) Does your school accept verbal instruction from parents regardingYes1716
the administration of medicines in school? (n = 107 respondents)No9084
2) Does your school have a written record of medicine administered toYes8276
pupils? (n = 108 respondents)No2624
D) Staff training
1) Does your school provide training to staff about the medicalYes9386
needs of pupils? (n = 108 respondents)No1514
2) In your opinion, do you think there is sufficient training for in-service teachersYes4849
to help pupils in administering their medicines while they are in school? (n = 98 respondents)No5051
3) In your opinion, do you think that the PGCE programmesYes99
provide sufficient training to equip future teachers in helping pupils toNo4140
administer required medicines? (n = 102 respondents)Not sure5251
4) Would you be interested in having a pharmacist to train staff regardingYes4039
the administration of medicines to children in school? (n = 102 respondents)No6160
Not sure11
E) Administration of intimate and invasive treatment in emergency
5) Are there any children in your school who have been prescribedYes8375
the EpiPen? (n = 110 respondents)No2523
Not sure22
6) Does your school have trained staff to administer the EpiPen toNot applicable55
children in an emergency? (n = 98 respondents)Yes8082
7) Are there any children in your school who have been prescribedYes1514
rectal diazepam? (n = 108 respondents)No9184
Not sure22
8) Does your school have trained staff to administer the rectal diazepamNot applicable3236
to children in an emergency? (n = 90 respondents)Yes1213