Table 3

 Predictors identified by multivariate logistic regression* of non-response to inhaled bronchodilator at the time of screening and subsequent deterioration until day 5 after enrolment

OR (95% CI)p value
*For modelling purpose continuous variables such as age, temperature, and duration of illness were recoded in to categorical variables.
†Against temperature ⩽100°F.
Non-response to inhaled bronchodilator at the time of screening
Screened patients (n = 1622)
    History of fever4.06 (3.18 to 5.18)<0.00001
    Presence of audible wheeze1.79 (1.41 to 2.26)<0.00001
    Temperature more than 100°F†2.99 (1.89 to 4.74)<0.00001
    Lower chest indrawing (severe pneumonia) with wheeze2.47 (1.94 to 3.14)<0.00001
Subsequent deterioration until day 5 after enrolment
Enrolled patients (n = 787)
    No family history of wheeze1.76 (1.19 to 2.62)0.005
    Temperature more than 100°F†3.94 (1.66 to 9.31)0.002
    Lower chest indrawing (severe pneumonia) with wheeze2.96 (1.99 to 4.40)<0.00001