Table 2

Prevalence (rates per 10 000 live births and stillbirths) of congenital anomalies, Glasgow, 1980–97

Congenital anomaly categorynRate/1000095% CI
*Column total cannot be derived by adding numbers in each category due to inclusion of two subcategories (Down's syndrome and neural tube defects), as well as their main categories (chromosomal anomalies and nervous system anomalies, respectively).
Congenital heart disease11245047 to 53
Anomalies of limb10964946 to 52
Digestive system anomalies10494744 to 50
Nervous system anomalies8193734 to 39
Genitourinary tract and kidney6803028 to 33
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue5522523 to 27
Neural tube defects5472422 to 26
Chromosomal anomalies (total)5262421 to 26
Other anomalies3961816 to 19
Metabolic defects3771715 to 19
Down's syndrome3181413 to 16
Cleft lip with/without cleft palate2901311 to 14
Integument anomalies11654 to 6
Eye anomalies9343 to 5
Respiratory system anomalies8843 to 5
Ear anomalies4421 to 3
Total7250*324317 to 331