Table 1

Characteristics of surviving patients of the LERIC cohort

Participants (n=126)Non-participants (n=61)
*RRT, renal replacement therapy; †including focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; ‡including reflux uropathy, urethal valves, neurogenic bladder, Prune Belly syndrome; §including polycystic disease, nephronophtisis, dysplasia.
Gender: male/female 70/56 33/28
Primary disease:
    Glomerulonephritis†45 (36%)19 (31.1%)
    Interstitial nephritis/obstructive uropathy‡39 (31.2%)16 (26.2%)
    Congenital kidney diseases§23 (17.6%)18 (29.5%)
    Haemolytic uraemic syndrome10 (8.0%) 5 (8.2%)
    Cystinosis, oxalosis, and SLE 4 (3.2%)10 (16.1%)
    Other 8 (6.4%) 3 (4.9%)
    Unknown 1 (0.8%) 0
Mean age of start RRT* in years (SD)10.8 (2.9)11.0 (3.0)
Mean age at time of investigation in years (SD)29.4 (5.2)29.5 (5.3)
Mean duration of RRT* in years (SD)18.2 (5.3)18.3 (5.1)
Mean duration of dialysis in years (SD) 4.1 (4.6) 4.2 (4.4)
Mean duration of functioning renal graft in years (SD)14.0 (6.4)14.1 (5.6)
On dialysis at time of investigation (n)28 (22.2%)13 (21.3%)